The Silver Appleyard duck was created by Reginald Appleyard on his farm called “Priory Waterfowl Farm” at Ixworth near Bury St. Edmonds in Suffolk in the 1930’s.

He managed to create this heavy breed that by 9 weeks old could produce a 3 Kg table bird (plucked) with an excellent meat to bone ratio but also one that was capable of laying a good number of large eggs.

After the Second World War, Silver Appleyard ducks became very rare as the interest in poultry declined in Britain.

Silver is the only colour variety.

The Miniature Silver Appleyard. A good layer of large eggs and useful table duck with good flavour.

Uses: Utility: meat and eggs.
Eggs: 100 to 180 large white eggs.
Origin: U.K.
Weight: Drake: 3.6 – 4.1 Kg, Duck: 3.2 – 3.6 Kg.
Classification: Heavy.